What services will we be providing?
The best front-and-center in our business that might be expected from a company with foundation seed specialization is adoption rate optimization through breaking supply barriers, brand building strategy, and trade activation across existing models.
• Genetically pure foundation seed so that the genetic potential sustained
• Hybrid seed production agronomy information to its primary customers, the seed companies. • Demand creation through the increased awareness of customers on the benefits of hybrid. • To transform OPV seed maize companies to produce hybrid maize. We are aware of the challenges, to inform those priorities or choices, ECOBasic Seed understands our target audience. Our target audience understanding helps shine a light on the most critical areas we should invest in or what type of communication you should have for your business..
Excellent customer service
Whether a company exceeds or falls short of customer expectations is often directly tied to business success. It’s a high-stakes game and “calm is contagious.” A successful customer service team can help attract new business, boost retention, and increase sales among existing customer base.
We provide our customers with incredible supports, and we listen to the unspoken words.